The impact of economic innovation on the effectiveness of educational process Case of (ACU-IMF) Collaboration


1 Ahram Canadian university Lecturer at economic (school of business)

2 (finance)


The aim of this project is to allow Ahram Canadian University to Make Collaboration with IMF to provide courses in its areas of expertise at a discount to its students. the problem  Consequently, Students will acquire a necessary skill that make them competitive with respect to other graduates in the labor market and this will add value to the university. Therefore, it’s a must to reveal how effective is the IMF in its capacity development and other programs worldwide in maintaining Financial and economic stability in its member countries and its effectiveness in delivery of E-learning in its core areas of expertise in finance, Economics and Management and Accounting. The paper is based on a range of evidence from several research and based on sample of three CD recipient countries: Brazil, Guatemala, and China. IMF’s collaboration with Egypt and China ,the method (questionnaire 105 students) in survey and the statistical analysis of trainee’s responses. Most importantly, this research is based on survey of 105 students in school of business administration. The overall findings illustrated the effectiveness of the IMF and emphasized the need for collaboration between IMF and Ahram Canadian University as well as students’ willingness to learn from the IMF

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