Customer Perception of De-Marketing Domestic Water Consumption in Egypt.


Assistant Professor in Thebes Higher Institute of Management and Information Technology, Thebes Academy


This research work studies the effects of de-marketing efforts on domestic water consumption amongst different categories of Egyptian consumers, an effort to identify which method is more effective. In order to perform this, the researcher placed a survey questionnaire on the Internet, receiving 503 random responses from different categories and sectors of the population. The researcher then did a quantitative count of responses followed by a statistical analysis and correlation and regression tests to detect any compatibilities or relations, if present, between responses and categories. The researcher concluded that the problem of water conservation is considered extremely important by most respondents and the water conservation campaigns are effective in influencing individuals to reduce their water consumption in various areas of their daily lives. The research also highlighted the importance of various communication channels and strategies in promoting water conservation and suggests the need for a multi-faceted approach to increase awareness and encourage sustainable water consumption practices. The research recommended that more de-marketing efforts and education procedures are needed to address the shortage in water. This will help in reducing personal usage of water in households which constitutes a large percentage of the water demand and hence it will be reflected on the national consumption.

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