Direct Investment on Economic Growth a Panel Empirical Evidence from Macro Economics Perspective During the Period From (2000 to 2020)


1 aFaculty of Economics and International trade, Egyptian Chinese University.

2 bFaculty of Business Informatics, Egypt University of Informatics


Economic growth is the most powerful instrument for reducing poverty and improving the quality of life in developing countries. The growth rate of real GDP is often used as an indicator of the general health of the economy. In broad terms, an increase in real GDP is interpreted as a sign that the economy is doing well. This prompted us to study the factors that affect GDP in developing countries. The aim of this study is to empirically explore the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Gross Capital Formation (GCF), Broad Money (BRM) and trade openness (TO) on economic growth, which represented by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The analysis was performed by adopting a balanced panel data approach applied on data covering the period from 2000 to 2020 in (76) developing countries. The findings of the study based on the estimated model provided; that the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), the Gross Capital Formation (GCF) and the Broad Money (BRM) have a significant positive effect on the GDP.

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